Polymers in medicine
The topic of polymers is often limited to chemistry lessons. The Establish project offers some hands-on activities to investigate these materials and some of their medical applications.
Showing 10 results from a total of 107
The topic of polymers is often limited to chemistry lessons. The Establish project offers some hands-on activities to investigate these materials and some of their medical applications.
When your doctor prescribes you a tablet and you get better, was it really the drug or could it have been the colour of the tablet? Andrew Brown investigates the placebo effect.
Cancer and stem cells are both topical issues. But have you heard of cancer stem cells? As Massimiliano Mazza explains, this concept may revolutionise the treatment of cancer.
Matt Kaplan investigates the horrors that dwell within us – should we be changing our view of them?
Science in School is published by EIROforum, a collaboration between eight European inter-governmental scientific research organisations. This article reviews some of the latest news from the EIROforum members.
Laurence Reed and Jackie de Belleroche discuss schizophrenia – and how functional genomics could help to identify its causes.
Science in School is published by EIROforum, a collaboration of research organisations. Eleanor Hayes, Editor-in-Chief of Science in School, reviews some of the latest news from the EIROforum members.
Would it not be fascinating to observe and manipulate individual molecules? Patrick Theer and Marlene Rau from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory explain how, with an atomic force microscope, you can do just this. You could even build your own.
In the second of two articles, Jarek Bryk describes how scientists dig deep into our genes – to test the molecular basis of an evolutionary adaptation in humans.
Friedlinde Krotscheck describes how she used a cutting-edge science article from Science in School as the main focus of a teaching unit on the human body.
Polymers in medicine
Just the placebo effect?
Cancer stem cells – hope for the future?
Healthy horrors: the benefits of parasites
Google, guts and gravity
Investigating the causes of schizophrenia
Rockets, genomes and particle accelerators
Single molecules under the microscope
Human evolution: testing the molecular basis
Using cutting-edge science within the curriculum: balancing body weight