Students and science collide: CERN’s Beamline for Schools competition
February 2, 2018 | Issue 42Give your students the opportunity to work as real scientists and win a unique experience experimenting at CERN.
Give your students the opportunity to work as real scientists and win a unique experience experimenting at CERN.
Have a look at some of the most popular articles from the last four issues of Science in School.
Get a glimpse into the weird and wonderful life on Earth with the three winning entries in the Science in School writing competition.
Pathogens that threaten human health are constantly evolving to keep ahead of our defences. But we can now track these changes at the genetic level, even as they are happening.
Insights into the brain’s unique protective barrier could offer promising treatments for diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Alzheimer’s.
Antimatter has inspired many science fiction stories, but these fascinating facts show that it is not just reserved for fantasy.
Science in School is published by EIROforum, a collaboration between eight of Europe’s largest inter-governmental scientific research organisations (EIROs). This article reviews some of the latest news from the EIROs.
Get your hands dirty with these classroom experiments exploring the composition of soil – and find out why this matters.
By assembling a ‘backpack laboratory’, you can break away from the lab bench and take tests for starch and glucose into the wild outdoors.
How many ‘chemicals’ are there in a fresh mushroom? These simple experiments reveal the hidden chemistry within natural foods.
Can you stop the tray from tipping? Learn about the law of the lever to beat your opponent in this simple game.