
Age group

Showing 10 results from a total of 103

| Issue 12

Radioactivity in the classroom

Luis Peralta, professor at the University of Lisbon’s physics department, and Carmen Oliveira, physics and chemistry teacher at Casquilhos High School in Barreiro near Lisbon, describe the ‘Environmental radiation’ project, in which students become actively and enthusiastically involved in…

Ages: 11-14, 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Physics, Earth science, Science and society, General science

| Issue 12

Hydrocarbons: a fossil but not (yet) extinct

Continuing our energy series, Menno van Dijk introduces us to the past, present and future of hydrocarbons – still the most common of all fuels.

Ages: 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Physics, Chemistry, Earth science, Engineering, Science and society

| Issue 12

Looking to the heavens: climate change experiments

In the second of two articles, Dudley Shallcross, Tim Harrison, Steve Henshaw and Linda Sellou offer chemistry and physics experiments to harness the Sun’s energy and measure carbon dioxide levels.

Ages: 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Physics, Earth science, Engineering

| Issue 11

Powering the world

Energy – why is it so important, where do we get it and how much do we use? Gieljan de Vries from the Dutch FOM-Institute for Plasma Physics Rijnhuizen investigates.

Ages: 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Physics, Earth science

| Issue 10

Science for the Next Generation: activities for primary school

Wayne A Mitchell, Debonair Sherman, Andrea Choppy and Rachel L Gomes from the Next Generation project describe some of their science activities to introduce primary-school children to the science all around us.

Ages: <11;
Topics: Physics, Chemistry, Astronomy / space, Earth science

| Issue 9

What killed the woolly mammoth?

Climate change is nothing new. Caitlin Sedwick describes how a computer model is helping scientists to explain the extinction of the woolly mammoth.

Ages: 16-19;
Topics: Biology, Earth science

| Issue 9

Climate change modelling in the classroom

Why not get your students to make their own predictions of climate change – with the help of Dudley Shallcross and Tim Harrison from Bristol University, UK?

Ages: 16-19;
Topics: Physics, Earth science, Mathematics