Eurostat’s Education corner: your key to European statistics
Use the Education corner on the Eurostat website to bring real-life data to your class and teach your students about statistics.
Showing 10 results from a total of 159
Use the Education corner on the Eurostat website to bring real-life data to your class and teach your students about statistics.
Picture sequences provide engaging opportunities for students to explore the concepts of speed and acceleration using supplied digital images or their own smartphones.
Do air convection currents really move as they are drawn in textbook illustrations? Let’s make invisible convection currents visible using mist.
Still standing: have you ever wondered how buildings stand? Or why they sometimes fall? Let’s explore this through bridges, from construction to collapse.
Discover simple adaptations to apparatus and experiments that make practical chemistry more accessible to students with vision impairment.
Turning the tide: celebrate World Oceans Day in your classroom with ocean articles spanning the breadth of STEM subjects, from biology to physics.
Everybody dance now: students hold ropes and dance to form a topological tangle. Using fraction arithmetic, the knot will finally be untied!
On the shoulders of giants: follow in the footsteps of Eratosthenes and measure the circumference of the Earth like he did 2300 years ago.
What are slime moulds? And what do they eat for breakfast? Discover these fascinating giant microbes and explore chemotaxis and the scientific method with these slimy experiments.
Did you know that a squid’s brain is donut shaped, so that the oesophagus can pass through it? Or that squid have three hearts? Explore the fascinating physiology of squid in this hands-on activity.
Eurostat’s Education corner: your key to European statistics
Moving pictures: teach speed, acceleration, and scale with photograph sequences
A misty way to see convection currents
Building bridges: how do structures stay upright?
Making chemistry accessible for students with vision impairment
Planet ocean: articles to put the ocean centre stage on World Oceans Day
Dance, tangles, and topology!
The Eratosthenes experiment: calculating the Earth’s circumference
Moving slime: exploring chemotaxis with slime mould
Squid dissection: a hands-on activity to learn about cephalopod anatomy