
Age group

Showing 8 results from a total of 8

| Issue 70

Physics in Advent: The hands-on physics Advent calendar

Each December, Physics in Advent (PiA) opens the door to 24 fun and thought-provoking physics experiments, with the chance to win cool prizes!

Ages: 11-14, 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Chemistry, Engineering, General science, Mathematics, Physics, Events, Resources

| Issue 68

Lab disasters: creative learning through storytelling

What can go wrong in a chemistry lab? Explore lab safety and consolidate the new knowledge by creating a fun horror story about a lab disaster.

Ages: 11-14;
Topics: Chemistry, General science, Science and society, STEAM

| Issue 67

Unfold Your World: using art to explore the story of life

Explore the form and function of ‘nature’s tiny sculptures’ – proteins – with an engaging art competition from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory.

Ages: 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Biology, Events, General science, News from the EIROs, STEAM

| Issue 63

Dance, tangles, and topology!

Everybody dance now: students hold ropes and dance to form a topological tangle. Using fraction arithmetic, the knot will finally be untied!

Ages: 11-14, 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Mathematics, STEAM

| Issue 60

Design and build a smart lamp

Help students develop STEAM skills by building a smart lamp with this creative project that combines physics, programming, and art and design.

Ages: 11-14, 14-16;
Topics: Engineering, Physics, Science and society, Sustainability, STEAM, Coding