
Age group

Showing 10 results from a total of 353

| Issue 37

Sign up your students to see the large and the small

Science in School is published by EIROforum, a collaboration between eight of Europe’s largest inter-governmental scientific research organisations (EIROs). This article reviews some of the latest news from the EIROs.

Ages: not applicable;
Topics: News from the EIROs, Physics, Biology, Chemistry

| Issue 36

Microbes as a medicine

The diverse bacteria in and around us can influence our health in a multitude of ways

Ages: not applicable;
Topics: Biology, Health

| Issue 36

Missions to the Moon

What we learnt from the first moon landing, and the curious questions that remain.

Ages: not applicable;
Topics: Resources

| Issue 36

Redox resources

Using everyday examples to teach about oxidation-reduction reactions. 

Ages: not applicable;
Topics: Resources