Who is behind Science in School? Inspire article
The Science in School office will be closing for Christmas soon, but first I’d like to thank everyone involved.

Cotovanu; image source: Flickr
To start with, our readers. So far in 2016, 864 000 people from 238 countries have visited our website, led by search terms as varied as ‘how to build a particle accelerator’, ‘building your own radio telescope’, ‘the effects of heat on matter’, ‘forensic entomology’, ‘blood group test experiment’, ‘life on the ISS’, ‘how to make a DNA model using recycled materials’ and ‘the structure of starch’. We also sent print copies of Science in School to nearly 5000 teachers in 42 European countries.
Where do all these articles come from, though? Essentially, a huge community of enthusiastic volunteers. Teachers and scientists, keen to share their inspiration and insight with colleagues from across the world, write most of the articles. A group of 113 active science teachers then help us to decide which articles to publish and how to adapt them to be most useful in the classroom. Next, the 10 members of our editorial board decide which articles to publish in each issue. And finally, 534 teachers and scientists translate many of the articles into any of 31 European languages. Of course none of this would be possible without the support of EIROforum, which publishes and funds Science in School.
Many thanks to all of you – in particular our authors, translators and reviewers. We wish you an enjoyable holiday and a well deserved rest, and look forward to working with you further in 2017.