CSI Astronomy: learn how to spot fake astrophotography images
Seeing is believing, but how can you be sure that what you see is real? Find out how to distinguish between real and fake astronomical images.
Showing 10 results from a total of 38
Seeing is believing, but how can you be sure that what you see is real? Find out how to distinguish between real and fake astronomical images.
We can’t image our home galaxy from the outside, so how do we study it? Learn how astronomers unveil the dramatic past of the Milky Way and peer into its future.
This is the story of how scientists created an image of the region around the black hole at the centre of our galaxy by combining many telescopes into one virtual telescope the size of the Earth.
A whole new world: you may have heard of rocky planets, gas giants and ice giants, but what about water worlds? Learn about the discovery of an entirely new planet type.
Recent images from ESA's Mars Express mission show two ruptures in the martian crust that form part of a mighty canyon system.
Challenge your students to save the Earth from an asteroid collision, using calculations based on the Hollywood sci-fi fantasy film Armageddon.
In the fifth and final article in this series on astronomy and the electromagnetic spectrum, find out how scientists use the European Space Agency’s missions to observe the sky in far-infrared, sub-millimetre and microwave light.
Gravitational waves are among the most subtle messengers that reach us across the cosmos. But how can their infinitesimal effects be detected?
How do astronomers measure distances to the stars? Using a digital camera to record parallax shift is an accurate and authentic method that can be used in a classroom.
Typical school exchanges focus on language and culture – but you can also build a successful exchange programme around science.
CSI Astronomy: learn how to spot fake astrophotography images
Galactic Archaeology: how we study our home galaxy
How global teamwork revealed the mystery at the heart of our galaxy
Hubble helps discover a new type of planet largely composed of water
Mars Express peers into Mars’ ‘Grand Canyon’
Saving the Earth Hollywood-style
More than meets the eye: the cold and the distant Universe
Good vibrations: how to catch a gravitational wave
Finding the scale of space
Science without borders: an astronomy-based school exchange