
Age group

Showing 10 results from a total of 306

| Issue 28

From construction to destruction: building lasers and melting walls

Science in School is published by EIROforum, a collaboration between eight of Europe’s largest inter-governmental scientific research organisations (EIROs). This article reviews some of the latest news from EIROs.

Ages: not applicable;
Topics: News from the EIROs, General science, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Engineering

| Issue 28

Food that shapes you: how diet can change your epigenome

You are what you eat – quite literally. Our diet can influence the tiny changes in our genome that underlie several diseases, including cancer and obesity.

Ages: 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Biology, General science, Chemistry

| Issue 28

Making the right moves

Cell’s movements are important in health and diseases, but their speed is the crucial point for the 2013 World Cell Race organised by Daniel Irimia.

Ages: 16-19;
Topics: Biology, General science

| Issue 28

Tales from a plague pit

Archeology and genetics combine to reveal what caused the Black Death.

Ages: 11-14, 14-16;
Topics: Biology, Health