
Age group

Showing 10 results from a total of 473

| Issue 7

Free online teaching materials

It can be difficult and time consuming to develop materials for really good science lessons. Many scientific research organisations, however, provide teaching resources, often designed together with teachers. Researchers provide scientific expertise and the teachers bring years of experience in the…

Ages: <11, 11-14, 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Resources

| Issue 7

Mercury: a poisonous solution

Sigrid Griet Eeckhout from the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France, investigates what determines the toxicity of mercury compounds – and how X-ray light is helping to solve the mystery.

Ages: 16-19;
Topics: Chemistry, Earth science

| Issue 7

Interview with Lewis Wolpert

Professor Lewis Wolpert discusses his controversial ideas about belief, science education and much more with Vienna Leigh from the European Molecular Biology Laboratory.

Ages: 16-19;
Topics: Biology, General science, Profiles

| Issue 7

Kitchen Chemistry, By Ted Lister and Heston Blumenthal

Why do some people find that their urine smells horribly after eating asparagus? Should green beans be cooked with the lid on or off? How hot are chilli peppers? What affects the colour and texture of cooked vegetables? These are a few of the questions that the Kitchen Chemistry book and CD-ROM aim…

Ages: <11, 11-14, 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Resources

| Issue 7

Chemistry: a career catalyst

Gemma Guilera tells Montserrat Capellas about the joys of her rollercoaster approach to life. Fearlessly, she has started a new life more than once, making her home in very different European cities in the pursuit of a scientific career. Today, she faces a new challenge: motherhood.

Ages: 16-19;
Topics: Profiles

| Issue 7

Fusion in the Universe: gamma-ray bursts

Henri Boffin from ESOw1 in Garching, Germany, follows the mystery of gamma-ray bursts from their first discovery to the most recent research on these dramatic astronomical explosions.

Ages: 16-19;
Topics: Physics, Astronomy / space

| Issue 7

Welcome to the seventh issue of Science in School

In our feature article, Vienna Leigh interviews Professor Lewis Wolpert, who leads a research group on the development of the embryo and is active in science communication. He shares with us his controversial ideas about belief, science education and much more. Whether you agree with him or not,…

Ages: not applicable;
Topics: Uncategorized