Small molecules make scents
Angelika Börsch-Haubold demonstrates the olfactory delights of organic chemistry.
Showing 10 results from a total of 1003
Angelika Börsch-Haubold demonstrates the olfactory delights of organic chemistry.
RNA is a crucial biological molecule that is seldom mentioned in detail in textbooks. In the first article in a series, Russ Hodge describes some exciting recent research on RNA.
Everyone does it everywhere all the time. I am not talking about Germans smoking, Americans eating burgers, or adults having sex – although the latter gets us thinking in the right direction.
The Science Magic books are part of a series of home-based practical science books that take as their unusual theme the use of items typically found in particular rooms of the house.
The foundations of democratic western civilisation are under threat, argues Dick Taverne. Since the Enlightenment, material and social progress in our society has relied to a large extent on the achievements of science and on the freedom of scientists to question and experiment, free from dogma and…
Fossils: A Very Short Introduction and Dinosaurs: A Very Short Introduction are both real tours de force and very engaging books. Their small size makes them easy to pack and take away to read during any spare moments.
Rather than being a book in which one dips to search for the answer to a particular question or for a desired fact, Experimental Design for the Life Sciences is a book to read through in its entirety: the student begins at the beginning and works through, learning how to design a good experiment in…
The Exploring the Living Cell DVD includes a wide range of films about the cell, covering many topics and providing background information for lessons: the history of the discovery of the cell, ethical debates about stem cells and evolution/creationism, and current research in cell biology. For the…
Do your students find it hard to see the application of science to other subjects? Montserrat Capellas from the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility in Grenoble, France, explains how modern chemical analyses are shedding light on ancient Pompeii.
Sheena Laursen from Experimentarium in Denmark describes how the centre’s Xciter project helps students motivate each other to delve deeper into science.
Small molecules make scents
Of Roman roads, train yards and inspectors: recent discoveries in RNA research
The Talking Ape: How Language Evolved, By Robbins Burling
Science Magic: in the Kitchen and Science Magic: in the Bathroom, By Richard Robinson
The March of Unreason: Science, Democracy, and the New Fundamentalism, By Dick Taverne
Fossils: A Very Short Introduction and Dinosaurs: A Very Short Introduction, By Keith Thomson and David Norman
Experimental Design for the Life Sciences (2nd Edition), By Graeme D. Ruxton and Nick Colegrave
Exploring the Living Cell DVD, By Véronique Kleiner and Christian Sardet
Recovering Pompeii
Science centres working with schools: using peer-to-peer teaching to engage students