
Age group

Showing 10 results from a total of 1003

| Issue 50

Young people and the future of our planet

Register for the upcoming EMBL Science & Society Conference to join the debate on responses to loss of biodiversity and climate change. Registration is free for High School students and teachers.

Ages: 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Science and society

| Issue 50

Keeping science engaging: Online resources for students during COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic has placed science and research into the spotlight. Whilst there has been a huge amount of science in the news, physical restrictions have made it impossible for students to visit science institutions. To enable students to keep exploring science virtually, the Science in…

Ages: not applicable;
Topics: Resources

| Issue 50

Do you know your water footprint?

Fresh water is a scarce resource on our planet – but how many of us are aware of how much water is needed to make the foods we eat every day?

Ages: 11-14, 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Biology, Chemistry, Earth science, Health, Science and society

| Issue 50

Coronavirus: the science in brief

As scientists worldwide try to understand and help tackle the coronavirus pandemic, we take a brief look at what is currently known about this new virus. 

Ages: 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Biology, Health, Science and society

| Issue 50

Science at home: ideas for remote teaching

Here are some ideas for home-based experiments and other learning activities that students can do outside the classroom, all drawn from the Science in School Teach archive.

Ages: <11, 11-14, 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Resources

| Issue 50

Science (and more) crossword

Here’s another scientific crossword puzzle to help keep your students busy – and perhaps even a little entertained.

Ages: 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Science and society, Physics

| Issue 50

Tell me about it: adventures in science communication

Scientists often need to communicate their subject to non-experts, such as policymakers and the public. This absorbing structured activity challenges school students to do the same.

Ages: 14-16;
Topics: General science

| Issue 50

Grow your own statistical data

Would your students prefer to grow edible crops or wrangle with statistics? Here’s a way to combine these activities in a real-world application of statistical analysis.

Ages: 11-14, 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Biology, Mathematics