Editorial issue 49 Editorial article

Have you ever wondered how life on Earth began? Or how scientists detect distant planets outside our Solar System? To start this issue, we take a look at the latest scientific thinking – and speculation – on the origins of life, and explore breakthrough research on exoplanets, which was recently recognised with a Nobel Prize.
Staying with space, we challenge students to devise a plan for growing plants on the Moon. Closer to home, we show you how to use a common forensics technique to reveal fingerprints. And if all this activity leaves you needing a break, we have some science crossword puzzles to keep you entertained.
In the previous issue, we promised an update on the results of our survey of readers’ views on Science in School and the changes ahead. Thank you again to everyone who took part and sent us their thoughts. We were delighted with the very positive sense that emerged from the replies. It’s clear that Science in School is highly valued by readers, and we in turn very much value your interest in the journal.
There are changes ahead, however, and we will be keeping readers updated in the coming months via our newsletter, so make sure you are subscribed – just log into your account via our website.
One important change is that this is the last print issue of Science in School for a while. But we are continuing online, bringing you a regular supply of science articles and classroom activities. We’ll be uploading something every month, so do keep checking the website to see what’s new.
In the meantime, we wish you all a fantastic start to the new decade!