Slow and steady wins the race: an exciting new material for long-acting medicines
Researchers have developed a molecular delivery system for continuous release of an anti-HIV medicine.
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Researchers have developed a molecular delivery system for continuous release of an anti-HIV medicine.
I’ve got the power: meet a simple device that can create a powerful sterilizing solution from just air, water, and electricity.
Strengthen knowledge in the subjects of energy supply, grid load, and data evaluation, while using 21st century skills in a fun way.
Under the Sun, light colours stay cool, while black heats up. But what does this mean for the natural world? Let's explore the consequences of albedo.
Stacking up: use common household items like coins and paper explore one of the most significant scientific discoveries of the 19th century.
With flying colours: Try some simple but striking experiments to illustrate temporal additive colour mixing, and create and mix coloured shadows.
Heart of glass: a new X-ray scanning method reveals a full 3D view of the inside of the heart in incredible detail without having to cut into it.
Each December, Physics in Advent (PiA) opens the door to 24 fun and thought-provoking physics experiments, with the chance to win cool prizes!
Visit the Xcool Lab for an inspiring experience at a cutting-edge research facility, with hands-on experiments to bring classroom concepts to life.
On a roll: a humble roll of toilet paper can be used in science experiments explore diverse topics in materials science, chemistry, and physics.
Slow and steady wins the race: an exciting new material for long-acting medicines
The power of plasma: turning water into an eco-friendly disinfectant
Explore energy production with the escape game ‘Village of the Future’
Albedo and ice: positive feedback in action
The birth of electrochemistry: building a simple voltaic pile
Colour magic: additive mixing and coloured shadows
A unique atlas of the human heart: from cells to the full organ
Physics in Advent: The hands-on physics Advent calendar
Xcool Lab at European XFEL: a place to spark students’ scientific curiosity
Science in a toilet-paper roll