Instructables website is a website that shows you how to make all sorts of weird and wonderful things, from apple coasters to a z-bend hyper-hornet.
Showing 3 results from a total of 3 is a website that shows you how to make all sorts of weird and wonderful things, from apple coasters to a z-bend hyper-hornet.
Where do astronauts get their food? What happens to their waste? Adam Williams from the European Space Agency in Darmstadt, Germany, describes the development of an unmanned shuttle to supply the International Space Station.
Are you looking for ideas to spice up your earth science class? Why not try out one of the rich collection of activities developed by Chris King, Elizabeth Devon and Peter Kennett from Earth Learning Idea.
Instructables website
The Automated Transfer Vehicle – supporting Europe in space
Getting down to Earth: ideas for the earth science classroom