
Age group

Showing 10 results from a total of 132

| Issue 6

Small molecules make scents

Angelika Börsch-Haubold demonstrates the olfactory delights of organic chemistry.

Ages: 16-19;
Topics: Biology, Chemistry

| Issue 7

Fighting an old enemy: tuberculosis

Tuberculosis isn’t something Europeans normally worry about. But the disease is re-emerging and is resistant to many of our drugs. Claire Ainsworth describes how Matthias Wilmanns and his team are trying to hold the disease back.

Ages: 16-19;
Topics: Biology, Health

| Issue 10

Ecology: media presentation CD-ROM, By Biozone

Next year, I hope to take a small group of students, aged 15-18, to Iquitos in Peru, where we will board a boat to take us up the Amazon to study the rainforest. So I was particularly interested to see that Iquitos is featured in the Introduction to Ecosystems series of slides on Ecology, a media…

Ages: 16-19;
Topics: Resources

| Issue 11

Outmanoeuvering influenza’s tricks

Catching the influenza virus can be more than just a nuisance: these pathogens have caused the most deadly pandemic in recent history. Claire Ainsworth investigates how scientists are working to prevent it happening again.

Ages: 16-19;
Topics: Biology

| Issue 12

The science of preserving art

As Head Conservator at the National Trust, Katy Lithgow’s education turned her into ‘more an arts person’ than a scientist – but her work has shown how the two can be inextricably linked. Vienna Leigh finds out how.

Ages: 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Profiles