
Age group

Showing 10 results from a total of 651

| Issue 4

Democs: a conversation card activity for teaching science and citizenship

Karen Smith from NEF, the New Economics Foundation, London, UK, describes an approach to creating a safe space where students can discuss sensitive topics, like stem-cell research or genetically modified food. How can students be encouraged to explore their values in relation to science topics, and…

Ages: 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Science and society, General science

| Issue 3

The neutron teaspoon

Jonathan Swinton pushes back the frontiers of knowledge – in his kitchen.

Ages: 16-19;
Topics: Physics, Astronomy / space

| Issue 3

Sleep and learning

When we sleep, are we just passively recovering from a hard day, or is there something more going on? Angelika Börsch-Haubold considers the implications of some intriguing research – was her grandmother right all along? Test the scientists’ conclusions for yourself!

Ages: 16-19;
Topics: Biology