Editorial issue 48 Editorial article

Plants, too, suffer consequences to changing light conditions, so in this issue a biologist reveals the latest research into plant circadian clocks, by answering the curious question ‘Do plants get jet lag?’.
With falling temperatures, we will soon be spending more time indoors. But after reading a chemist’s account of the air pollution inside our homes, perhaps you will reconsider. Elsewhere in this issue, find out what a study of the Italian liqueur limoncello can tell us about emulsions, investigate the science behind sunscreens, and discover a visually exciting alternative to the standard experiments for finding an empirical formula.
As you might have seen, we are currently conducting our own research of sorts. Over the summer, we invited you – our readers – to take part in a survey about Science in School, on behalf of our publisher EIROforum. Thank you to everyone who shared their views to help shape the future directions of the journal. Look out for an update in the next issue.
And, finally, are your students curious about careers in science? For inspiration, we have a variety of career-focused articles to highlight the vast range of possibilities that are open to them. Go behind the scenes at one of Europe’s largest laboratories to explore some of the less visible roles that make science happen, find out about an interactive project that bridges the gap between classroom science and research scientists, and read about the collaborative career path of a synchrotron scientist, who is using powerful techniques to study ancient works of art.
We hope these resources will help your students to explore rewarding careers in science – and perhaps join the next generation of STEM professionals.