Editorial issue 34 Editorial article

The journal is more modern, easier to navigate and, above all, coherent with the new website that was launched in March. We hope the new design helps you to use and enjoy our content better. If you haven’t already given us your feedback on our redesign, you can still do so via our online survey.
Science in School is also one step ahead of the upcoming festive season, with some handy tips on how to introduce science into the stories you tell to the youngest members of your family and some physiological and sociological reasons why you should try to laugh together.
Hopefully the end of the year will be full of happy gatherings, with lots of hugs and kisses. Beyond lifting your mood, kissing also affects the bacterial community in your mouth but also your whole body, as some recent research describes.
After the party season, it’s back to reality and the need to tidy up the house, ideally while also taking care of our bigger home: Earth. As one of our regular readers found out during a memorable trip to the Arctic, many products we use daily contain microplastics that can have serious consequences for our flora and fauna. But evaluating the impact necessitates taking a step back and looking at the broader picture of what we really know about our planet. Perhaps you’ll find time to watch the starry sky, dreaming about distant celestial bodies.
The Science in School team wishes you all a very happy New Year, with lots of good moments that trigger your brain sufficiently for you to remember them in years to come!