Design the cover for Science in School! Inspire article

Do you or your students enjoy painting and drawing as well as teaching or learning science? Would you like to see your artwork reproduced 30,000 times and distributed across Europe? The Science in School cover competition gives you and your students the opportunity to do just that.

Entries should be colourful, eye-catching and relevant to science teaching. What makes science lessons fascinating or funny? What are the highs and lows of teaching? What best illustrates the daily life of a science teacher? How do your students envisage scientists and their laboratories? What science topics do they find most exciting or enticing? These are just some ideas to get you started.

You may use paints, pencils, crayons, charcoal – even a computer. The choice is yours. But no sculptures or other 3D entries, please!

Entry rules

Entries are welcome from science teachers and secondary-school students (ages 10-19) from anywhere in Europe and will be judged in the following categories:

  • Teachers
  • Students aged 10-14
  • Students aged 15-19.

Entries should include the artist’s full name, email address, school and country. Teachers should list the subjects they teach, and students should include their age. All entries must be accompanied by a statement confirming that the artwork is original and your own work. We regret that we cannot respond individually to entrants or return postal entries.

To be included in the competition, entries should reach us by 30 June 2007. Electronic entries should be sent to and must be of high resolution (a minimum of 300 dpi at A4 size or larger), in jpg or tif format. Postal entries (in a hard-backed envelope to prevent damage) may be sent to:

Dr Eleanor Hayes
Editor of Science in School
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Meyerhofstrasse 1
69117 Heidelberg

The winners will be announced in Issue 6 of Science in School, to be published in Autumn 2007. One or more winning entries will be reproduced on the front cover, identified as the artist’s work. We reserve the right to edit the images as appropriate.




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