
Age group

Showing 3 results from a total of 3

| Issue 2

Is-Simetrija tiggverna

Maqlub għall-Malti minn Roberta Grech u Joan Grech. Kulħadd jaf x’inhi simetrija. F’dan l-artiklu, madankollu, Mario Livio mis-‘Space Telescope Science Institute’, Baltimore, Stati Uniti tal-Amerika, jispjega kif mhux biss il-forom, imma anke liġijiet tan-natura, jistgħu jkunu…

Ages: 14-16, 16-19;
Topics: Physics, Mathematics

| Issue 14

Metodu ta’ kif tista’ tibni ‘cloud chamber’

Particle physics is often seen as something only for huge research institutes, out of reach of the general public. Francisco Barradas-Solas and Paloma Alameda-Meléndez demonstrate how – with the aid of a homemade particle detector – you can dispel this myth by bringing particle physics to life…

Ages: 16-19;
Topics: Physics

| Issue 4

Ħarir jiġġebbed u jiflaħ iktar mill-azzar!

Maqlub għall-Malti minn Cecilia Fenech. Jista’ jkun li l-ħarir tal-brimb ikun is-soluzzjoni għal diversi sfidi fl-oqsma tal-mediċina u l-militar? Giovanna Cicognani mill-Institut Laue-Langevin u Montserrat Capellas mill-European Synchrotron Radiation Facility fi Franza, jinvestigaw…

Ages: 16-19;
Topics: Physics, Biology, Chemistry