
Age group

Showing 10 results from a total of 1003

| Issue 36

Destination fusion

Five young researchers are working to create a star on Earth.

Ages: not applicable;
Topics: Profiles

| Issue 36

Surfing waves, erasing memories and a twist on the tokamak

Science in School is published by EIROforum, a collaboration between eight of Europe’s largest inter-governmental scientific research organisations (EIROs). This article reviews some of the latest news from the EIROs.

Ages: not applicable;
Topics: News from the EIROs, Physics, Biology, Chemistry

| Issue 36

Editorial issue 36

Welcome to the new issue of Science in School. It may not be so obvious at first glance, but there’s something different about this issue.

Ages: not applicable;
Topics: Uncategorized

| issue 35

Mercury and Mars in May

The month of May brings with it two different planetary wonders, allowing us to recreate calculations first made 300 years ago

Ages: not applicable;
Topics: Astronomy / space

| issue 35

A world without trees

Contemplating the consequences of a tree-free planet.

Ages: not applicable;
Topics: Resources